1. Legal Notice
2. Cookies Policy
3. Privacy Policy
4. CTU

Legal Notice

The internet website  (hereafter the ‘Website’) is the property of GL events Audiovisual.

Tel : +33 (0)4 72 31 54 07
Email address: [email protected]


The Website is published by GL events Audiovisual, a “société par actions simplifiée” under the French law with a share capital of €2,663,293.75 registered with the Trade Register of LYON under the number 317 613 180. Its head office is established at the following address: 
Route d’Irigny - ZI Nord - 69530 BRIGNAIS, France.
Individual VAT identification number is FR 16 317 613 180.

Publication Director

Xavier Moulin as President.


Microsoft Azure France (région Europe de l'ouest)
Microsoft France
37 Quai du Président Roosevelt

Design and developpment

GL events DSI Digital

Crédits photos GL events Audiovisual 

L’œil du Diaph
Nicolas Rodet
Alexandra Fleurantin
Sebastien Gracco de Lay
Yohan Brandt
Sylvain Cambon
Laure Rousville
Stéphanie Gillet
Pierre Alexis Meulier
Benoît Florencon
Vikram Gounassegarin
Stéphane Léger
Frédéric Fuentes
Marine Clementelli 
Christophe Bonnet
Frédéric Georges
Marwane Sobai
G Perret