Group quality approach
The group's aim is to implement a structured and operational quality approach that places the customer at the centre of its organisation. At the heart of the project is the implementation of a genuine continuous process improvement approach, based on the ISO9001:2015 model, with the involvement of employees so as to benefit from their experience in the field and capitalise on the best practices within the group.
To satisfy its customers’ expectations and meet their quality requirements, GL events is committed to respecting 4 main principles:
- The quality of the equipment
- The quality of the services provided
- A system of continuous improvement
- Measuring results
GL events Audiovisual & Power quality approach
- State-of-the-art, well-maintained equipment
- Use of equipment that complies with regulatory requirements
- Continuous quality improvement in operational processes
"Think Green" sustainable development programme
At the end of 2009, a sustainable development programme called ‘Think Green’ was set up within GL events teams in France and abroad.
This programme, coordinated by a Sustainable Development Mission directly reporting to the President of the GL events group, has 3 priorities:
Limit the environmental impact of events organised, hosted and fitted out
Encourage the responsible operation and maintenance of the group’s event sites
Raise awareness and train the group’s employees in the importance and practices of sustainable development
"Think Green" covers the various stages of organising an event:
Some of the initiatives carried out as part of ‘Think Green’:
- Training in eco-design for all the group’s designers
- Integration of sustainable development criteria in the referencing of our suppliers and the sourcing of our products
- Reduction of CO2 emissions through a continuous decrease in diesel consumption
- Eco-driving training for drivers
- Action plan on logistics platforms (optimisation of distances and loads)
- Limiting the generation of end waste through the use of reusable products and recycled/recyclable materials
- Development of sorting practices at all our operating sites, etc.
Our other commitments: